Perhaps you are a single parent, juggling multiple jobs and putting your passion on the wayside to provide for your family; and you need some encouragement to get through the hardship. Perhaps you are a new CEO, inheriting a company rigid in old ways, where teamwork and leadership falter; and you need encouragement and strategy to reform your industry. Perhaps you are someone who has always had a dream–a dream for a better lifestyle, a dream to start a business, a dream for a satisfying relationship with yourself and others–but have never had the courage to go out and achieve it. Whoever you may be, whatever you are going through, I am here as your encouragement, your empowerment, your coach, and most importantly, your friend.
My name is Frank Sinclair, founder and CEO of Dream Again LLC, and I am proud to be the #1 Encouragement Coach in the Pikes Peak Region. I help you uncover your passions, set goals, accomplish milestones, and cheer you on as you accomplish your dreams. I offer life and empowerment coaching, business consulting, and corporate training to businesses and individuals in Colorado Springs and El Paso county. I also provide virtual coaching, over-the-phone consulting, and travel-based services for those across the nation. If you are looking for the encouragement and strategy you need to succeed, contact me at Dream Again, LLC.
With so much negativity in this world, we all need encouragement. If you are feeling unsure about your path in life, I can help you realize your dreams once more. As a life coach in Colorado Springs, I empower and encourage you to do what it takes and be your best self.
From goal planning and strategizing, to restoring confidence and hopefulness, I can assist you in life. As a community builder, business leader, and former pastor, I can put you on the path towards success and fulfillment. I offer empowerment life coaching in Colorado Springs, and across the nation via online coaching or travel.
You started your business because you have a dream. A dream to provide for your family; a dream to make a difference in your community; a dream to live life on your own terms. Whether you feel like that passion that once fueled the fire for your business is dwindling, or you are struggling with the path to success, Dream Again Business Consulting is for you.
As a business consultant, my job is to help you identify your pain points, solidify your brand, and most importantly, encourage you along the way. With a formal business education and years spent in business strategy and development, I have helped grow businesses and encourage owners across the nation.
One of the most important aspects of running a successful business is leadership. As the CEO of a corporation, you must be able to effectively lead your team, operate internal systems, and create an effective work environment for your employees. As a business coach certified in many areas of expertise, I offer corporate training in leadership, team building, diversity, and interpersonal communication.
After spending many years managing these internal systems of the fastest growing roofing companies in Colorado, I saw the incredible impact that good leadership can have on a growing company. If you are looking to grow your business, decrease employee turnover, and create leaders within your staff, contact me. I offer corporate training in Colorado, as well as virtual training or travel for out-of-state clients.
I am proud to be a keynote speaker in Colorado and across the nation. As a former pastor and a leader among the Colorado Springs community, I apply my leadership skills and years of experience to inspire and encourage others to live the life they were meant to lead. From battling alcoholism and homelessness, to finding redemption and success in business, community, and relationships, I have much to share with the world.
As a keynote speaker, I offer motivational topics like “Going from Homeless to Hopeful,” “The Power of Encouragement,” “How Leadership Transformed the Fastest Growing Roofing Company in Colorado,” and more for networking seminars, churches, businesses, conferences, and more.
It does not matter how well you do business if know one knows your doing it. An inexpensive solution is a promotional video with one of the most recognizable faces in the area. I am proud to offer business owners with a Business Introduction Blast via social media. Through this opportunity, I will conduct and record an interview with you that is designed to inspire viewers, increase your visibility, and enhance your brand awareness. I offer Business Blasts for free to non-profits and community announcements. Take a moment to view previous Business Introduction Blasts that have been featured on my personal business page and contact me to learn more about pricing and details.
You are capable, you are loved, and your dreams ARE possible! Dream Again, LLC is proud to be your life coach, your empowerment coach, and most importantly, your encouragement coach in Colorado Springs. If you are ready to accomplish your goals, whether that be in your personal life, business strategy, or your wildest dreams, get in touch with me. I bridge the gap between discouragement and hope so that you can live the life of your dreams!
Everyone needs to be encouraged. Sign up for the Dream Again Newsletter for inspiration, motivation, and encouragement from Frank Sinclair!
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