Nothing I have read better summarizes what we are attempting to achieve in our monthly group, Finally Friday.
Our new economy is based on abundance, the abundance that comes from ideas and access. If I benefit when everyone knows my idea, then the more people I give the idea to, the better we all do. If I benefit when I earn a reputation leading, connecting and creating positive change, then I’ll benefit if I can offer these insights to anyone who can benefit from them.
With an abundance mindset, we intentionally create goods that can be shared. It’s not based on our traditional factory-based economy, but it works now (in fact, it’s just about all that works)…engaging with the mesh, building communities that benefit from sharing resources instead of destroying them is a strategy that scales. With an abundance mindset, we create ideas and services that do better when we share. Pirates (the fall guys for the death of the record business) aren’t the enemy, they’re the loudest fans you can find.
The abundance mindset makes it easier to be graceful. It encourages you to focus on your work and the generosity that comes from interacting with (and helping) your community.
Graceful, Seth Godin